Increase Partner Engagement

As a channel marketer, you face the daunting task of creating and personalizing a vast array of marketing assets tailored to different verticals...

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Streamline, Customize, and Amplify Your Channel Video Strategy

For today’s channel marketers, ensuring partners have access to timely, high-quality marketing....

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Channel Marketing Association Summit Recap

The Channel Marketing Association Summit, put simply, is one of the best events I have attended....

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Webinar Syndication: A Powerful Strategy for Extending Your Brand Reach – Part II

Promoting and amplifying your brand through partners is crucial for success in today’s channel marketing...

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Unleash the Power of Content, Video and Webinar Syndication – Part I

In the ever-evolving world of channel marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. One of the most effective ways...

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Revolutionizing Channel Sales & Marketing Enablement: How AI Empowers All Partners

In today’s competitive landscape, partners of all types and sizes are constantly seeking innovative solutions to elevate their marketing efforts...

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AI Is Here To Stay: The Channel Should Embrace It

Crossing the “chasm” from skepticism to fully experiencing the real power of AI marks a critical...

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Reflecting on StructuredWeb’s Journey: 25 Years of Innovating Channel Marketing

StructuredWeb turns 25 years old today and I couldn’t be more grateful and proud...

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MDF & TCMA Collaboration: Driving Channel Success

Effective marketing development fund (MDF) and through-channel marketing automation (TCMA) collaboration...

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Empowering Channel Partners: TCMA, MDF, and Incentives Working Together

n the fast-evolving landscape of channel marketing, success hinges on the seamless integration of three critical...

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StructuredWeb Honored Again: Celebrating Our Latest G2 Awards and Reflecting on Our Journey

As we kick off the new year, we are excited to announce our recent G2 Winter 2024 Award wins. It’s a moment...

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StructuredWeb’s Channel Marketing Predictions for 2024

2023 was most certainly the year AI jumped into our collective consciousness, and its ascent exceeded...

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Navigating the Future: A Comparative Analysis of Channel Vendors Embracing Generative AI in Marketing

In the competitive landscape of channel marketing, the adoption of cutting-edge technologies can make all...

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The ChannelGPT Mindset

In today’s world of channel marketing, the incorporation of Generative AI tools, such as StructuredWeb’s innovative...

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The Power of Trust in Delivering Superior Partner Experience for Short and Long-Term Sales Wins

I recently had the privilege of attending 360insight’s first Ecosystem Conference...

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PX Matters Like Never Before: Elevating Partner Experience in Channel Marketing

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, Partner Experience (PX) has taken center stage like never before...

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8X8X8 = 512: Transforming Channel Marketing into Channel Storytelling

Numbers have a unique way of telling complex stories in a concise and impactful manner...

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Unlocking Channel Revenue Growth in a Resource-Strapped Environment: The AI Imperative

In today’s volatile business landscape, channel management leaders at large tech firms are grappling with the dual...

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A Close Look at Catalyst 2023: Another Success (Even Without the Yachts)

Set against the backdrop of an ever-evolving digital landscape, the Catalyst conference has rapidly risen...

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Channel Content Creation: From Prompts to Automation with EditAI

We live in an age of content saturation. With information at our fingertips, crafting messages that resonate...

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Seizing Economic Momentum: Channel Marketers Supercharging Demand with Digital Marketing and Generative AI

As the global economy rebounds, channel marketers find themselves in a pivotal position...

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Another Nine G2 Award Wins for StructuredWeb’s TCMA Platform for Channel Marketers

Praise doesn’t get much sweeter than when it comes from your peers. That’s precisely why the team at StructuredWeb...

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My Conversation with ChatGPT about Managing AI Challenges in the Channel

There is little doubt that Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, offers numerous benefits for channel marketers...

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Realigning and Running Your Channel Operations in the Age of AI

The landscape of business has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, driven...

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The Evolution of Channel Content Creation: The Rise of Drag-and-Drop Editors

Looking back, when I used to design and code HTML emails and landing pages, content creation was a complicated...

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ChannelGPT: The Next Frontier in Content Generation for Channel Partners

As a former Managed Service Provider (MSP), I’ve seen the evolving content demands of channel partners across...

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Amplifying Social Media Content with ChannelGPT

In the fast-paced digital landscape we find ourselves in, the influence of social media on brand visibility and...

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Do Channel Email Better with ChannelGPT

Emails. We draft them all of the time, so why does this simple communication tool continue to stop vendors and partners...

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Channel Marketing Just Got Supercharged with Generative AI, and its New Engine is More Powerful Than Ever

It makes sense that we (StructuredWeb) would be the first to develop and announce the launch of ChannelGPT – the first and...

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Improved Partner Experience Depends on Number Crunching, Which is Why Calculate is StructuredWeb’s “5th C”

Partner Experience (PX) has become a critical factor for success in channel marketing, especially in the technology space...

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A Delighted Channel Partner is More Likely to Convert Leads into Sales: Convert is StructuredWeb’s “4th C”

When it comes to providing an exceptional partner experience, the first three “Cs” of StructuredWeb’s “5 Cs,” which includes Create, Connect and...

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Diversity in ideas, background and gender make us stronger in the workplace

Diversity in ideas, background and gender makes us ALL stronger in the workplace. Listen to a conversation with...

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When it Comes to Partner Experience, Communication is Everything

In our previous two blog posts, we covered how vendors can significantly enhance the channel partner experience by...

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Elevating Partner Experience Through Connection: The Second of StructuredWeb’s “5 Cs”

Partners don’t need or want a complex and tedious relationship with their vendors. With multiple vendors on their daily plate...

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The Partner Perspective: Deploying the First C “Create” of StructuredWeb’s 5C’s to Optimize Partner Experience

Vendors need them, customers know them, and they play an essential role in the sales ecosystem lifecycle...

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The Final 2023 Prediction: AI-Driven Marketing Automation Platforms Transform Channel Marketing Effectiveness

The last of StructuredWeb 2023 Channel Marketing Predictions is certainly not the least. In fact, without Marketing Automation...

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Channel Marketing Without Video Today is Like Driving a Car Without Wheels

Video marketing has become a crucial part of modern marketing strategies and channel partner marketing is no exception...

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High-Touch Customer Service: How TCMA Can Help

Over the past year, high-touch automation has changed the channel marketing game and become one of the best solutions available...

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StructuredWeb’s 2023 Predictions Series: Generative AI for Channel Partner Marketing

Our next installation for our StructuredWeb 2023 Predictions Series is all about Generative AI. You may have heard one of the latest...

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How AI and ML Can Propel Channel Marketing Automation

Increasingly, Through-Channel Marketing Automation (TCMA) is superseding CRM and marketing automation as the platform...

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Channel Marketing Trends Part 2: Looking To 2023

AI modeling advanced quickly in 2022. The sprouts of machine-generated marketing content have taken hold...

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